Oriented Strand Board


Sustainable, with high strength and precision, OSB has gained more and more space in civil construction, especially when it comes to the manufacture of innovative and technological buildings.

In this sense, the OSB board can be used both in interior design and as a structural panel, such as in the assembly of a wood frame wall.

Do you want to understand what OSB is, how this component works, and how wood frame wall mounting using the OSB board is done? So, check out the full content we’ve prepared for you. Happy reading!

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What is OSB?

First of all, OSB is the acronym for “Oriented Strand Board”, which stands for Oriented Strip Board. As its name implies, the OSB is nothing more than a board composed of strips of wood (extracted from reforestation) pressed in the same direction.

Created in the United States, OSB was a widely accepted material, replacing other types of panels used in construction. In the same vein, it is very popular in countries like Canada and the United States itself.

OSB is a resistant, stable and versatile material that can be applied in different ways in a building. It can be used in the creation of furniture, siding, mezzanines, roofs and of course, in the coating of walls, as it is done in the construction of a wood frame wall.

What is the OSB card?

The OSB board is a wooden frame, composed of OSB, widely used in house constructions made with wood frame.

The professionals join the wooden strips of the OSB board with resin and press under high temperature, which ensures high strength and stability when it comes to dry construction.

In addition, the OSB board is very effective when it comes to thermal comfort and sound insulation for the environment. For this reason, it is one of the main choices when it comes to building houses designed to ensure cozy environments.

Finally, the OSB board is a highly sustainable component, since it is mainly made with wood.

How is the OSB board assembled?

First of all, for the manufacture of the OSB board, the wooden strips are arranged in one direction, pressed in layers at right angles and glued with resin at high temperature. With this, it makes the material rigid and resistant, especially to physical impacts and moisture.

In this sense, the OSB board is widely used in the construction of houses to prevent infiltrations, in the sealing stage. These profiles can also be coated with the waterproof blanket, for example, to give greater resistance to the walls.

Thus, another interesting point is that the manufacture of the OSB board guarantees a high yield of the wood. To clarify, it is possible to transform about 90% of the trunk of a tree into OSB, valuing the raw material.

Advantages of OSB

As said, OSB is a very present material in dry constructions and also in the manufacture of furniture and decorative objects. Above all, this component is the top choice for a number of reasons. Check!

1. Sustainability

As the base of the material is the wood extracted from reforestation, the OSB board has a much lower environmental impact when compared to construction items with masonry, for example.

In addition, those responsible spend less water in manufacturing, since wood does not need much of this resource, being also an easier material to be returned to the environment.

2. Standardization

OSB is a consistent and uniform material, and therefore does not leave empty spaces. In other words, it guarantees a standard whenever it is used.

3. High strength

The specific production process of the OSB ensures the high strength of the material and, consequently, greater durability of the OSB board.

Another important point is that the OSB is fire resistant, within the limits established by the Brazilian Committee of Civil Construction of ABNT. In other words, all types of material exceed the minimum resistance of 30 minutes.

4. Cost benefit

When compared to other wooden components, OSB is usually priced more cheaply. An example of this is that the material can cost up to 40% less than MDF.

5. Sound insulation and thermal comfort

The OSB is one of the main components that ensure better thermal comfort. That is, it keeps the environment at temperature, in addition to sound insulation, reducing the amount of noise between one wall and another.

6. Versatility

To conclude, it is possible to apply the OSB on roofs, floors, slabs and walls, not to mention the decoration. Therefore, the material is considered very versatile.

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OSB Applications

As we have seen, OSB is a material compatible with different types of manufactures. In this sense, wood can function both as a decorative item and with a structural function, as is the case of buildings with wood frame, for example.

Even more, it is also possible to apply it on the construction site and on rooftops. Here are other ways OSB can be used.

1. Construction site

The OSB board can act as a siding, a temporary fence very common in works, helping to mark the space of the construction, also bringing more safety for the team and pedestrians.

The material is also an alternative for the creation of temporary facilities on the construction site, as in the case of bathrooms, for example.

2. Mezzanines

Builders can also use OSB for the construction of mezzanines, in conjunction with other materials. In this sense, the structure can be made with steel or wood.

Because it is a lightweight material, the work requires fewer manual processes and can have a shorter delivery time. Even more, the strength of the OSB brings durability and safety to the mezzanine.

3. Dry constructions with OSB

In dry constructions, as is the case of wood frame and steel frame construction, the OSB has an important role: it is part of the structure.

In the manufacture of Alea houses, for example, using the wood frame construction method, the OSB is responsible for sealing. In this way, those responsible apply the material along with other plates that will ensure the strength and durability of the wall.

In addition, it also has an important role to make the space more comfortable, isolating external sounds and leaving the ambient temperature, as stated earlier.

4. Slabs and roofs

With all the advantages of OSB, the material is also a great choice for the construction of slabs and roofs. On roofs, the OSB board offers high strength, rigidity and durability.

For this, engineers can coat the OSB board on one side with an aluminum foil, a component that absorbs less heat and also ensures thermal comfort.

The OSB is widely used in roofing in the laying of tiles in the style “American roof”.

5. Interior design

In addition to being a great component in the structure, OSB can also be an alternative to decoration. After all, it is a material capable of carrying a natural aesthetic, in addition to increasing the feeling of coziness.

Thus, it is practical, more sustainable and can also be more affordable compared to conventional materials.

6. Furniture design

In conclusion, just as the OSB can function as a decorative item, the OSB board can also be a great material for making furniture.

As said, OSB is about 40% cheaper than MDF. In this sense, if the idea is to reduce the cost, it is a great option.

To ensure a good finish, it is possible to apply varnish or paints under the OSB board. Finally, these profiles can be found in various sizes and shapes, which can be adapted depending on the furniture that is assembled.

How does OSB construction work?

As we have seen, the OSB is an important component in the fabrication structure of some buildings. In this sense, the construction using the OSB board focuses on taking advantage of the properties of the material to ensure strength, comfort and durability.

To clarify, OSB is usually more common in two construction methods: the steel frame and the wood frame. Because they have very similar characteristics, these technologies are also similar when we talk about manufacturing phases.

In other words, engineers will use OSB in the wall assembly phase. In this way, following the architectural project developed at the beginning, the role of this material is to ensure that the building being built has a qualified structure.

In summary, the builders apply the OSB board right after the assembly of the base structure. In the case of the steel frame, after the insertion of the steel structure, and for the wood frame, shortly after the assembly of the wooden structure.

source: casalea.com


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Ongoing Global Sourcing Inc

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